Julie Viges (L) of Lansing, Michigan with Rev. Jenn Tafel (center), pastor of the newly established Swedenborgian Church in Lansing, Michigan receiving the Mite Box Award for 2008 presented by Mite Box chair Barb Boxwell (R) at the annual meeting of the Alliance at the national convention in Bridgewater, MA.
The 105th annual meeting of the Women's Alliance was held on July 3, 2008 at Bridgewater State College at the annual convention of the Swedenborgian Church.
The following officers were elected for the 2008-2009 year:
President: Nancy Little (MA)
Vice President: Beth Harvie (Mid Atlantic)
Secretary: Pat Sommer (OH)
Treasurer: Jeanette Hille (MN)
Mite Box Chair: Barb Boxwell (MI)
Round Robin Chair: Polly Baxter (OH/MI)
Publications Chair: Rev. Jennifer Tafel (MI)
Religious Chair: Rev. Lana Sandahl
Nominating Chair: Rev. Leah Goodwin (MA) (2012)
Nominating Committee:
Nancy Freestone (2009)
Denyse Daurat (2010)
Missy Sommer (2011)
Leah Goodwin (2012)
Jeannette Hille (2013)
A brief business meeting proceeded the luncheon.
- Members of the Alliance voted to eliminate the office of 2nd Vice President.
- As the recipient of the 2008 Mite Box Award , Rev. Jennifer Tafel, pastor of the newly established Lansing, Michigan church, was presented with a check for $1,304.85.
- It was announced that the 2009 Mite Box will be awarded to the New Church of the Southwest Desert in New Mexico where Rev. Dr. Sky Paradise is the pastor. Over $800 was collected during convention towards the 2009 Mite Box.
- Polly Baxter, chair of the Round Robin Committee, reported that there were no “flights” this year. Polly suggested that we take advantage of technology and use email in place of round robin letters. The Executive Committee will discuss this more in the coming year. She can be reached at polbax@baxtonia.com
- Rev. Renee Machiniak reminded us that she still has plenty of Alliance pins with the Swedenborgian cross for sale. She suggested that they make nice gifts for new members. Rev. Renee can be contacted at revrenee@aol.com
- A new blog was established womensalliance.blogspot.com If other officers or committee chairs would like to post to the blog, contact the President, Nancy Little at littlenancyf@yahoo.com
The 106th annual meeting of the Alliance will be held in 2009 in Seattle, WA.
Additional donations to the Mite Box can be sent to:
Jeanette Hille, Treasurer
4240 Larch Place North
Plymouth, MN 55442
Nancy Little
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