[From Rev. Carla Friedrich of the San Diego Church - the 2010 Mite Box]
Here is a bit of information on our existing/ current outreach to Mexico so far. Blessings and thank you for all you're doing.
Here is a bit of information on our existing/ current outreach to Mexico so far. Blessings and thank you for all you're doing.
PH (Proyecto Hispanaya) consists of a Clinic and Learning Center providing health education and psychological support to school aged children and families (family planing and anti-violence education, drug and alcohol prevention and education, etc also Swedenborgian Studies in the Ralph Junge Center, the future library and classroom ...) PH is registered in Mexico as a non-profit VS a traditional "church" though devotion is a part of their daily practice.
First, WE ARE NOT ALONE in our efforts. We join a Consortium of other new church organizations (General Church & The Lord's New Church) and other generous individuals who help in various ways to support the efforts of the new church group there in Tijuana (and hopefully beyond) Just like us, they struggle to grow and reach others with the treasure of life-giving and life-healing teachings we have been gifted.
The effort of that group is on-going for over 20 years. Swedenborgian Church of San Diego (Convention) has entered the picture in small increments and involvement has grown over the last three years as awareness grows. Our outreach to Mexico is often truncated and extremely limited due to time restraints, limited funds stalling construction, and health concerns of the director.
[Proyecto Hispanaya, AC] includes worshiping together, some new church lessons/ instruction. As an ordained minister, I am able to officiate rites and pr0vide the sacraments of the Lord's Holy Supper. I also try to provide pastoral care and encouragement.
The San Diego Church continues to companion with the new church group in Tijuana.
[Director of Proyecto Hispanaya] Jesus Zarzosa and family worship with us when his health and time permits. Our congregation involvement grows as our relationship with that group grows and in ways which are most meaningful to the congregation and useful to the Mexico group.
Recently the musical group we partnered with helped provided the necessary funds for an IRON GATE, a necessary and finishing touch on the Clinic. We pray often for our sister group and the good which the Non-Profit does in Tijuana working with children and families and try to support them practically by fundraising concerts and collecting. More than a year ago, the SwedenorgianCommunityOnline.org prayed for them as we tried marshal energies in the form of letters, phone calls and influence to free a member of that group from a federal prison when he had been "rounded up" in a routine sweep after a shoot out between the Mexican Police and the Mafia there. This could have turned out very badly but had a happy ending for which they praise God and the power of Prayer in community.
Proyecto Hispanaya, AC does strive to remain an independent new church enterprise - within their specific cultural context.