Here are some highlights from our meeting:
- All agreed that it was a great idea to meet via phone conference.
- The Mite Box was briefly discussed. As Mite Box chair, Barb put a notice in the Messenger about Mite Box donations. Ideas for the 2010 Mite Box should go to Barb. Ideas, anyone?
- An appeal for missing minutes from past years will be in the next Messenger. If anyone has minutes from past years please forward them to Pat Sommer, secretary. She has minutes from Barb Tourangeau but none from any years prior.
- Having a central location for Alliance documents was discussed.
- The annual appeal letter will be printed in the Messenger only. We will aim for the February issue.
- Discussion about next year's annual meeting at Convention. Ideas for a program at the annual meeting were discussed.
- Website was discussed. Could we have a page on Convention's website or have our own?
Thanks again everyone!